

About us


LOCIS SIGTech is an innovative, technically based company, offering consultancy services in areas related to cartography, geographic information systems and the environment. We work nationally and internationally, for both public and private companies.


In accordance with the company’s principles and objectives, LOCIS’s team is made up of highly qualified personnel with extensive national and international experience. Our commitment to equal opportunities has given us the opportunity to have a balanced and multidisciplinary staff, which guarantees quality in our work and the satisfaction of our clients.


We believe in innovation as a transversal axis in the active search for continuous improvement, process optimization and the creation of new solutions for all the company’s areas of specialization. From our R+D+i department we regularly work on highly innovative projects, which are usually developed in collaboration with other companies, universities and research centres.

Services LOCIS SIGTech

Locis, Cartografía y GIS


We are experts in the processing of geographic information and the generation of cartographic content.
We master all the phases of the production process, from the collection of data in the field to the analysis and presentation of results.
We adapt to the needs of our clients, developing tailor-made solutions or executing technical assistance work for the operation of systems already implemented in organizations.

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Icono dron

UAV’s aerial images

Our fleet of unmanned vehicles provides a wide range of products and services related to digital photogrammetry, industrial inspection and development of technological solutions.
We have experience in the application of new methodologies for the improvement of productivity, work safety and process automation with the use of drones.
We are an operator authorized by the State Agency for Air Safety (AESA) since 2015.

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We have the necessary equipment and knowledge to provide topography services ranging from high precision surveys to stakeout in all types of terrain and conditions.
We specialize in field data collection with measurement devices for asset inventory and implementation in geographic information systems.
We provide our services to the administration, companies and individuals.

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Medio ambiente y sistemas integrados de gestión SIG

Environment and Integrated Management Systems (SIG)

We offer multidisciplinary technical coverage for the fulfillment of legal requirements in environmental matters.
At an administrative level, we work on the processing of environmental licenses, preparation of studies (EPIA, EIA, AAI…) and preparation of reports.
At the field level, we offer solutions for the taking and analysis of samples, monitoring of works and environmental surveillance.
We also have extensive experience in the management of Integrated Management Systems, both in consultancy tasks and in carrying out internal audits of the main quality and environmental seals.

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Icono ADR

ADR – Security Advisors

We are one of the reference companies at a national level in providing the external service of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor for companies and entities regulated by the ADR.
We provide consultancy, advice and audits in application of this regulation.
Other usual activities of this service are the recourse of sanctions, elaboration of action plans or specific training.

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Icono de formación


At LOCIS SIGTech we have extensive experience in teaching courses in both classroom and online modes related to our main areas of expertise.
We currently have our own training platform, which functions as a means of interaction and knowledge transfer between our technicians and their users.
We offer customised technical training, 100% subsidised by means of credits from the Tripartite Foundation.

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Contact and location

LOCIS SIGTech Soluciones Sostenibles SLL.
Avenida del Mar Cantábrico, 8C,
33204, Gijón (Spain)

Telephone: +34 985 308 905
E-mail: info@locis.es
